[nycphp-talk] Please Help with a Howard Dean Website!
amanda at deanrocks.com
amanda at deanrocks.com
Mon Oct 27 12:03:22 EST 2003
Dear PHP Developers!
Any Howard Dean supporters out there?? I’m trying to develop my website,
DEANROCKS.COM and need help! My programmer and graphic designer are both
too busy to help me any further and I am looking for people who may be
interested in joining the DeanRocks.com team. We started the site back in
June with a packaged program written in Cold Fusion that drove the site.
The functionality and speed of the program was amazing, however, there was
little room for design. We’ve now started from scratch and would like to
use PHP and a MY SQL database to create our new site with more
flexibility. My idea behind this site is to create the first online
database of Howard Dean’s endorsements nationally. We want to seek
endorsements from various bands, celebrities and political figures
nationwide and display them for public viewing. This will revolutionize
the power of endorsements as a political tool, because we will be able to
create a nationwide, documented network of support that will literally
rock the nation.
There are many things I would like to change about the site and a team
with fresh energy could certainly make this really happen fairly easily.
These are things that we need to work on:
-A login system- to capture people’s information and connect members with
each other (I really like the login system on this site!)
-A new message board- ours is horrible!
-A download section- with fun graphic and music downloads, hopefully
musicians who’ve endorsed Dean will make a few songs available for free to
-A blog with threads- so people can respond to our posts
-A marketing strategy- to get our site out there to more people and on
major search engines
-YOUR IDEAS- This site models the collective nature of the Dean Campaign
itself, bring on your ideas and make them happen! I have no web experience
and basically need people to do all of the technical aspects.
Please let me know if you or anyone you know may be interested in helping
DeanRocks take off, it will have such an incredible impact on the campaign
if we can get it together!
Thanks for your time and I hope someone out there can help!
Amanda Mattoon
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