[nycphp-talk] Re: [OT] Consulting work

Matt Juszczak matt at
Fri Jul 1 13:39:29 EDT 2005

On Fri, 1 Jul 2005, Rolan Yang wrote:

> The real money can be found in cleaning up the mess left behind by these 
> $15/hr programmers when they discover they can't complete the job or finally 
> realize that the money it isn't worth their time and bail out 1/2 way through 
> the project (or are fired by the client when they discover things are not 
> going as planned).

I dont think there's ever a time where I can't finish a job.  I never give 
up, so I might ask for an extension, but I dont think I've ever not been 
able to do something.

> If someone is offering you only $20/hr and you know you are worth much more, 
> politely decline their offer and move on to find other work with a client 
> that is more in touch with reality. In the end, it will work out better for 
> you and your client.

I can't afford that right now though.  And I think other people agree. 
I'm in South Jersey, and there's not much more opportunity down here.

Plus, I've still got one more semester in College, to which I still 
haven't learned much.  Does anyone else agree that College teaches you 
things you don't really need to know?  I've learned more on my own than 

I think once I have the degree, things will be different...

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