[nycphp-talk] Thank you NYPhP -- Kerbeaz launches!
Cliff Hirsch
cliff at pinestream.com
Thu Feb 14 16:10:41 EST 2008
>>> Kerbeaz went live on Monday. I thought the hard part was behind me, but now
>>> the true adventure begins ‹ building traffic.
>> http://www.kerbeaz.com/ for the curious...
> Good stuff Cliff.
> You may want to checkout a couple of the "technical" meetups, especially this
> one:
> http://newtech.meetup.com/
> I know there's 4k+ on the NYC chapter of that group.
Thanks. That's a great idea. In Boston we have a Web Innovators Group
http://www.webinnovatorsgroup.com/ , which is run by a local VC firm. But I
previously hadn't heard of "technical" meetups -- great idea.
It's amazing how scaling up from 1 or 2 users to just a dozen or so has
already generated a page-long todo list.
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